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Наталья Овсянникова

Преподаватель английского языка

ГОБ ПОУ "Елецкий лицей сферы бытовых услуг".

“There is a need for closeness, yet we can't get too close. The teacher-pupil relationship is a kind of tightrope to be walked. I know how carefully I must choose a word, a gesture. I understand the delicate balance between friendliness and familiarity, dignity and aloofness. I am especially aware of this in trying to reclaim Ferone. I don't know why it's so important to me. Perhaps because he, too, is a rebel. Perhaps because he's been so damaged. He's too bright and too troubled to be lost in the shuffle.”
― Bel Kaufman, Up the Down Staircase

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